FAQSanitary rules during the conference (Covid-19)
Please check our dedicated page on the Covid-19 rules to be applied during the conference.
Yes, the 2020 registrations are no longer valid.
Yes, you are very welcome!
For sure, ask the LOC iram2022nice@iram.fr. Don’t forget to give all details you need on your visa letter.
Yes, but the registration fee will not be reduced. Thank you to inform the LOC of your late arrival.
Abstract submission & posters
Yes, a new call for posters is issued, in order to allow for the newest results to be presented.
Yes, if poster and talk are on different scientific topics and if the SOC has selected both proposals.
For poster submission, see here: https://iram2022nice.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/16
If your poster has been selected, you should bring it with you and fix it on one of the poster walls in room MATISSE on the 2nd floor, once you have registered. Fixing material will be provided at the registration desk. Posters are not numbered.
No “big” printer is available at the hotel, try not to forget your poster.
Oral presentationsSpeakers need to upload their presentation onto the IRAM cloud (https://cloud.iram.fr/index.php/s/rNTatNYpYMD5XGG), the day before their presentation at the latest. The format of the presentation should be pdf, keynote or ppt. To facilitate the organisation of the presentation sessions, it is important to name your talk with lastname-firstname, e.g. einstein.albert-day1.pdf.
A laptop (Mac) will be available in the conference hall for the presentations. Your presentation will already be available on the laptop when it will be your turn tp present. You may want to test your presentation in one of the breaks before your talk. Payment
NO, only wire transfers are possible.
NO, this is NOT possible.
Access to the conference: https://iram2022nice.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/6
Public transportation: https://iram2022nice.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/6
Bus stops: https://iram2022nice.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/6
Yes, there is a rather big parking.
Hotels: https://iram2022nice.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/7
No. Fees include coffee breaks and lunches. Fees do not include accommodation, nor conference dinner. |
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